Sunday, June 6, 2010


In spite of it being 88 degrees and 61% humidity I took my one mile walk this morning but I really do need to do it earlier.  I have given up on taking Hobbs as it's just too hot for him with all his fur.  As it was a Sunday the neighborhood was even quieter than usual and the air smelled so good because of all the flowering trees and bushes.  Twice off in the distance I could hear church bellsringing.  Church bells are one of life's wonderful sounds.  Like fog horns, geese flying over in the autumn and hounds baying when they are chasing something.

Speaking of church I was stopped twice by church people out soliciting.  I guess old ladies with walkers are prime targets as they can't outrun them.  On of them was looking for deaf people to let them know her church featured services accompanied by an interpreter in.  That's nice of them but I told her I was happy to tell her that I didn't know anyone who was deaf.  Then she started to tell me that it says in the bible that the deaf would be cured or whatever.  I told her that while I didn't put much faith in the bible I did have a certain amount of faith in cochlear implants. That got rid of her. It was too hot to stand around and chit chat in the middle of the road.

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