Monday, September 1, 2008


I got up early this morning because I was worried all night about New Orleans. I know that sounds silly to loose sleep over something you can do nothing about but I love New Orleans. It looks like it may have been spared a major hit from Gustav. I have very many happy memories of New Orleans. Jim and I spent our honeymoon there and my brother lived there for many years and we always went for Mardi Gras whenever we could. We would get up early, early on Fat Tuesday and drag a card table, lawn chairs of a couple of hampers of food and cold
drinks and set up on the median on St. Charles Avenue and watch
parades until well into the afternoon. Such fun!

Jim was stationed there his last tour of duty before he retired and that was where we were living when Nicky (our Brit Granddaughter) came to stay with us for 2 years instead of 9 months that was the original plan.

We lived on the West Bank not too far from the Naval Station and she and I would often ride the ferry over on Saturday mornings and wander around the French Quarter and Market. Our first stop would always be for Benoits and then before we came home we would go down to the French Market where there was/is a great Greek restaurant and get a Gyro (aka Donner Kebabs in the U.K.) for lunch.

Kathrina was heartbreaking and I was so afraid that if Gustav hit the city full bore that it might not be able to bounce back again. I am sorry for the folks in Houma and Lake Charles but can't help being happy in a little corner of my heart that it wasn't N.O. I am praying that it's luck, not to mention it's levies hold.

I know I am rambling this morning but N.O. has been much on my mind.